St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

It Takes A Village Fund

The staff and governors at St Joseph’s were delighted to launch our new School Fund, ‘It Takes a Village’ in 2022. The focus of this new Fund is to bring everyone in our community together to improve provision for our pupils and ensure we can give them the best possible educational and extra-curricular experiences.   Through the collective effort of the entire community, we can help to ensure that St Joseph’s continues to be a truly special place, a village school in the heart of London, which offers a fantastic education and opportunities to all pupils, regardless of their background.    


We invite all families and friends of the school to consider giving to the Fund at a level which is right for them, taking into account circumstances and existing commitments.  All donations will come through our new Foundation (meaning we can also claim gift aid to benefit pupils further) and your gifts will be used solely to support the pupils here at St Joseph’s. 


Find out more about It Takes A Village and further details on how to support the Fund.

If you have any questions, please send them to our Development Office at who would be very happy to discuss the Fund or donations with you further.