St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Giving Day 2024

We are delighted to announce that St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will host its second Giving Day on St Joseph's Day, Tuesday 19 March 2024. We are proud that last year, we were the first state primary schools in the UK to adopt this new approach to fundraising and to host a Giving Day event. You can find highlights of the events here

Giving Day provides an opportunity to come together as a community to raise funds for St Joseph’s so we can continue to provide a first-class educational experience for our pupils. All funds raised from the event will be reinvested into the school as part of our It Takes A Village Fund. From our nursery children to pupil leaders, the whole school is getting involved!

There will be lots of on-site activities taking place for pupils and staff! Keep an eye on your year group WhatsApp group and the school’s Instagram page for photos and updates and the dedicated pages on the school website.

Whilst we will be encouraging donations – which can be made via the school website - Giving Day is not just about fundraising. As a parent, your participation is key and there are many ways in which you can be involved, including:

  • Joining us for our Giving Day coffee morning hosted by the Executive Headteacher, Mrs Wyatt and Mr Stacey, Head of School on Wednesday 20 March from 8.45am in the front garden and hall.
  • Spreading the word amongst friends, family, and fellow parents
  • Following our progress on Instagram, liking, and sharing our posts, or posting using the hashtags #GivingDay2024 #ItTakesaVillage
  • Supporting your child taking part in an Own Clothes Day on Monday 18 March (£2 per child)

Thank you in advance for your support. It’s set to be a heart-warming and fun event which we’re sure will show St Joseph’s at its very best.


Donations can be made here

#GivingDay2024 #ItTakesAVillage