Pupil Voice
Pupil Voice of St Joseph’s is comprised of children in Years 2 to 6. They are a dedicated group of students who have various roles and responsibilities in school. Led by Mrs Bartley, our Senior Learning Mentor, the children work with teachers, staff and the outside community to develop the wellbeing of all those in school and look for ways to enrich the children’s learning experiences even further.
Through the Pupil Voice, children are given the opportunity to debate, develop their articulacy and their speaking and listening skills. They are also given the opportunity to have a ‘voice’ and to develop their confidence and self-esteem.
Through working with the Pupil Voice body, children gain first hand insight into how democracy works; they also develop other key skills linked to our school values and fundamental ‘British values’.
All children in Years 2 to 6 are given the opportunity to be part of the Pupil Voice in the following roles:
Head Boy and Girl
Selected by the staff, Head of School and Executive Headteacher at the beginning of the academic year, the Head Boy and Girl are in Year 6 and are key ambassadors for St Joseph’s. They are role models for every child in the school and lead by example. They often conduct tours with visitors to the school and work with senior leaders, governors and staff to implement ideas and feedback to other members of Pupil Voice.
House Captains
Eight children in Year 6 are House Captains for our four Houses – St Bernadette’s, St Francis’s, St Helen’s and St Paul’s. At the beginning of each academic year, children that wish to be elected must deliver a speech to their Houses explaining why they would make a good House Captain. They are then nominated by the children that they represent through a democratic vote. The House Captains are responsible for House displays, organizing playground equipment and collecting House points weekly. They work with other members of Pupil Voice and are available to all children in their respective Houses for support and advice.
Friendship Ambassadors and Peer Mediators
Friendship Ambassadors and Peer Mediators promote friendship, fairness and equality throughout the school. They are on hand during break time to support adults and children to resolve issues and concerns that may arise in a positive manner. They work with Mrs Bartley to arrange opportunities during our annual Friendship and Anti-Bullying Week. To become a Friendship Ambassador or Peer Mediator, children must apply in writing to Mrs Bartley.
Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs)
To become a JTA, children must apply in writing to Mrs Bartley. JTAs take part in Transport for London training at the beginning of the year. Using their new knowledge, they then promote sustainable and safe travel to and from school. They work with Mrs Bartley to arrange opportunities during our annual Road Safety Week.
Environment Team
The Environment Team work together to promote behaviour that improves the world we live in and fights against the threat of climate change. Children apply in writing to become a member. They encourage recycling and reusing products and materials around school and inform children, staff and families on ways to protect our environment. They are extremely passionate about what they do.
Pupil Voice Representatives
Each Year Group from Year 2 to Year 6 at St Joseph’s democratically votes for two Pupil Voice Reps termly. These children represent their classes at Pupil Voice meetings. They discuss their classmates’ ideas, queries and solutions with the other members of Pupil Voice and feedback to them when meetings have taken place.
Every academic year, Pupil Voice work together to organise events and activities such as Road Safety Week, Friendship and Anti-Bullying Week, Healthy Eating and Fitness Week, trips to the Houses of Parliament, the Mayor’s office, Wandsworth Waste and Recycling Centre, workshops with RBKC Environment Officers, RBKC Road Travel and Sustainability Officers and Parliament Outreach Services.
Pupil Voice offer children at St Joseph’s opportunities to develop their leadership and social skills as well as providing them with a safe environment for debate and discussion.
Video Presentation by our school's Head Boy and Head Girl