Remote Learning
St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School has the following remote learning measures in place in case of a national or local lockdown.
Children’s learning would continue online using Google Classroom and Google Meet. Each pupil has a username and password for a Google Classroom account. This provides them with access to Google Classroom (GC) for St Joseph’s and also access to Google Drive, where they can use Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides to complete their work and send it back to their class teacher. Children use this platform on a weekly basis for homework.
If you have any difficulties logging in, you can contact your class teacher using the appropriate year group email address.
A link to a Google Classroom tutorial is available here:
Please see our Remote Learning Protocols for information on how teachers would use Google Classroom.
On occasion, children would possibly need to complete work in an exercise book / home learning book / separate paper as well as on Google Classroom. If so, we would ask parents and carers to kindly photograph and upload their children’s work to Google Classroom.
Learners would be provided with a suggested timetable for the week to ensure that they are given routines in order to learn at home. Children thrive off routine and structure so this may help when learning at home. However, to make things manageable for families and staff alike, teachers would emphasise flexibility in home learning routines in order to meet the demands of a family all trying to work from home.
Class teachers would make a note in the register of who has logged onto Google Classroom and completed activities. The lessons would consist of a combination of live and pre-recorded sessions.
The live sessions would be recorded so children are able to catch up if they miss them. Please see our Remote Learning Protocols document (link above) for further guidance about the live sessions.
For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – phonics teaching would continue to be tailored to different groups and therefore some children would receive live sessions and others, recorded sessions.
For a consistent and manageable feedback / marking routine, teaching staff would look at and feedback on work in the following subjects on set days:
- Monday – English
- Tuesday – Maths
- Wednesday – RE
- Thursday – Other subjects in rotation (Science / History / Geography)
- Friday – Big Writing
Children would need to re-open any submitted work to see any comments that have been left by the class teacher.
Families and children would be encouraged to submit evidence for all activities set, but they would only receive feedback from their child’s class teacher according to the feedback schedule above. Answers would continue to be provided on Google Classroom after some sessions for children or parents and carers to mark themselves (e.g. Maths). Science, History and Geography learning may be more topic project based and RE would include regular creative elements.
All tasks and messages to individual classes would be posted on Google Classroom at 8pm the night before. Tasks and messages would be dated so parents and carers clearly understand when the learning is scheduled. Friday afternoons would be set aside for dedicated staff Planning and Preparation time (PPA) time. Class timetables would reflect this with a session included on Fridays for pupil ‘rewind’ / catch up time (finishing off any learning from the day / week).
As a gentle reminder, parents and carers would be asked that any of the children’s submitted work is as independent as possible.
If parents or carers experience any technical issues, they can contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance and they would endeavour to signpost to the best support.
When school is closed to most pupils due to a national / local lockdown:
Within a half-term, staff would make at least 1 wellbeing phone call to families in their class and make follow up calls / interventions as necessary.
Pupils still in school (children of critical workers / vulnerable children) would follow work set by staff members on GC, assisted by staff supervising particular bubbles in school.
This learning may be uploaded to GC or carried out in exercise books in school (and checked by supervising staff).
- Daily message to parents / children detailing GC learning for the day posted at 8p.m. the night before.
- Weekly timetable provided.
- Other tasks and activities provided to support ongoing learning in a range of subjects.
- Music lessons provided and suggested PE activities.
- Activities for promoting positive mental health provided weekly.
- Parents can contact staff on the class email address.
- Daily message to parents / children detailing GC learning for the day posted at 8p.m. the night before.
- Weekly timetable provided.
- Live phonics sessions daily.
- Other tasks and activities provided to support ongoing learning in a range of subjects.
- Music lessons provided and suggested PE activities.
- Activities for promoting positive mental health provided weekly.
- Parents can contact staff on the class email address.
Key Stage 1
- Daily message to parents / children detailing GC learning for the day posted at 8p.m. the night before.
- Weekly timetable provided.
- 2 live lessons a day (English / Mathematics)
- Teacher to stay online for 5-10 mins after each live session to answer questions.
- At least 1 other recorded session per day (either a voiceover or recording of teacher explaining a presentation / flipchart).
- Other tasks and activities provided to support ongoing learning in a range of subjects.
- Music lessons provided and suggested PE activities.
- Activities for promoting positive mental health provided weekly.
- Daily feedback given on submitted work according to published rota.
- Parents can contact staff on the class email address.
- Approximately 3 hours learning provided daily
Key Stage 2
- Daily message to parents / children detailing GC learning for the day posted at 8p.m. the night before.
- Weekly timetable provided.
- 2 live lessons a day (English / Mathematics)
- Teacher to stay online for 5-10 mins after each live session to answer questions.
- At least 1 other recorded session per day (either a voiceover or recording of teacher explaining a presentation / flipchart).
- Other tasks and activities provided to support ongoing learning in a range of subjects.
- Music lessons provided and suggested PE activities.
- Activities for promoting positive mental health provided weekly.
- Daily feedback given on submitted work according to published rota.
- Parents can contact staff on the class email address.
- Approximately 4 hours learning provided daily.
When a bubble is closed due to children having to self-isolate:
See above for details of appropriate remote provision.
When an individual / individuals have to be at home to self-isolate or quarantine:
Children / families would receive a message detailing the learning for the day.
Staff would post slides / flipcharts / PowerPoint presentations of the day’s learning that was covered in school on GC.
Staff would post any sheets / resources / tasks that would have been completed in school on GC for child to complete at home.
How remote capability is used in normal course of school week.
Pupils would be set home learning that needs to be completed using GC.
Pupils’ ongoing reading records would be online on GC.